This was our first Christmas together and also our first without snow!! Although, we did drive 50 miles east of the city, up to the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, where there was about 5-6 inches of snow on the ground!! San Diego has its own special Christmas charm. The red berry-bushes are in bloom all over the county and makes a pretty site.
My parents sent us a nice flower arrangement and chocolates. And we got few more goodies from Dan’s family. Craving Snicker Doodle cookies, Dan made a small batch, which we had on Christmas eve. So, for our Christmas meal we cooked Moroccan Meatloaf accompanied by Moroccan Bread, Pomegranate BBQ sauce and Mashed Potatoes. I baked an Almond-Chocolate Cake. My mother-in-law was slightly perplexed by our not-so-traditional Christmas menu.
Here are some pictures.

maybe you named all the breads in hte picture what are they?
and when will you put up recipes for these?
definitely interested in a bread blog if you put a side list of what one needs typically :)
You shouldn't be interested in the first couple of pictures - it's the meatloaf :) Although in the topmost picture, the slices on the left corner are from the Moroccan bread Ksira (that's the answer to your other question). Bummer, we didn't take close-up of that one.
names next to pic please so I can distinguish :)
Except for the Turkey (I am a vegetarian by choice) and Eggnog (?) what else would be a traditional Christmas dinner? Educate me. I did attend Christian schools and have lived in the USA for most of my life. Oh well!
The second photo looked like a fruit cake to me..but I guess it is not.
Please bring over the last one when you visit us.:)
Have a very Happy Holiday season!
will, surely bring the chocolate cake with :) As for the Christmas tradition here- I am learning too ;) My mother-in-law's ancestry is Scandinavian so the traditional Christmas menu would be roast (beef), or ham, pineapple and cheese. It apparently depends on family background/origins.
I can see the meatloaf looking like a fruitcake. That's from celery and carrot pieces!! Happy holidays to you too!
see its just not me who is confused :)
haha was about to comment that the fruit cake looks good. Had no idea meatloaf looked like that! Wish you both a merry christmas and happy new year!
Bread blog sounds good :).
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